From the website:

"We award the Marlon Riggs to Bay Area filmmaker(s) or individual(s) who represents courage and innovation in the world of cinema.

H.P. Mendoza. For being such a Bay Area force and being a beacon of creativity, inspiration and expression. His last film attests to his versatility and his deft comedic hand. It’s been quite a year for the San Francisco native. First, he transformed his 2021 art installation, Attack! Decay! Release!, into a moving, raucous multimedia extravaganza melding a feature film with live performance. Then, he premiered his latest feature, “The Secret Art of Human Flight,” at Tribeca, and toured with it on the festival circuit through the rest of year, collecting awards along the way. His first film not made from his own script, it nevertheless continues his ongoing exploration of the ties that bind."

THANK YOU, San Francisco Bay Area Film Critics Circle!

(Read the whole article, HERE.)

Take care.

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