“Animated TV Show” was one of the songs I wrote for the FOLX Project, dedicated to a person who was going through a hard time in their life but also gave me the option of writing about how much they like cartoons…or how easy it is for them to cry at the drop of a hat. Interestingly, when I had to perform it live for the closing night party of CAAMFEST 2021, I choked up during the final chorus but played it off as “an interesting silence”. (You can hear the original "“FOLX version” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H_6BFX70ng )
While I was writing/composing the FOLX Project, I was simultaneously working on my experimental sci-fi musical, Attack, Decay, Release and when it was time to write the musical finale of that film I decided to make a cinematic version of “Animated TV Show” since I had already worked in themes of pandemic living, isolation, fears for the world and strength-in-community. This makes it the only song of mine that exists in two different forms on two separate albums. (You can hear the “Attack, Decay, Release version” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApVNQJJSkrY)
Here’s a video of the live performance of “Animated TV Show” from The Complete Attack, Decay, Release LIVE at The San Francisco Exploratorium.