Here’s the animatic. These are rough sketches and will obvs look much better with actual footage with more refined editing.



And here is the animatic with annotations. Under the video will be some details to consider.


Basically this would be a one day shoot. It would be nice to get this done in Los Angeles while I’m in town for whatever production/PR needs from me so we can get it all done in one fell swoop. Let’s figure out when we can do this. (NOTE: I’m in Ouray from June 19-24)


Paul Raci as “Mealworm”
Grant Rosenmeyer as “Ben”
I’d love to get twenty people wearing white to sing as the choir, how doable is that?
- If not doable, we can make the field full of Grant Rosenmeyers, have it be very Being John Malkovich. The only downside to that is it becomes obvious that it’s a bunch of composited elements but at least it would look cool.


  1. Bedroom - we’d only be shooting Grant in CU so we just need a bed + we could put greenscreen behind his head if we really want to match the headboard

  2. Forest - I’d like to match Mealworm’s video in the film as much as possible. I also would like to have Mealworm and Ben walking through the woods while singing, so it should be fairly clear - nowhere too populated

  3. Field - I just need a grassy field where one person can lay down on the ground at a time so we can shoot elements separately for me to composite later on in post.


Mealworm’s outfit - black robe, all the baubles, chains and bracelets
Ben’s bed clothes and yellow blanket
Ben’s white outfit

If we go with the twenty choir members, we’d also need them in white outfits - goes with Kino’s “cult” idea, too!

Let’s talk about this!